Meal Plan Builder

Kcal to Goal Protein Carbs Fats
  1. "Vitamins and Minerals" section below - enter Nutrition Facts of EXACT serving you consome each day.
  2. "Proteins, Carbs and Fats" below - enter Nutrition Facts only for 1 serving of food per Calorie Count.
  3. Enter your "Desired Serving" for each food to determinate your macro percentages and "Kcal to Goal".

Nutrition Facts

Foods Kcal Carbs (g) Protein (g) Fats (g) Desired Serving DS Kcal (g) DS Carbs (g) DS Protein (g) DS Fats (g)
Foods Kcal Carbs (g) Protein (g) Fats (g) Desired Serving DS Kcal (g) DS Carbs (g) DS Protein (g) DS Fats (g)
Total Kcal
Total Kcal
Fats & Condiments
Total Kcal
Vitamins & Minerals
Total Kcal